Support the Neighborhood

Holy Cross Neighborhood is grateful for all the support it receives from residents, businesses, and other friends—and there are many ways to get involved and give. Here are just an easy few:

Make a charitable gift

The easiest and most effective way to support the Neighborhood is through a charitable gift through the Neighborhood Foundation, a Section 501(c)(3) nonprofit.

Gifts can be made online to the HCNF’s Stipe account.

Contributions to the Foundation may qualify as a tax-deductible gift—consult the IRS or your tax advisor for more.

Read more about the Neighborhood Foundation and other fundraising campaigns.

Pay Neighborhood Dues

Members are asked to pay voluntary, nominal annual dues of $20 per household. Dues can be paid via cash, check, or credit card at the member meetings.

Dues can also be paid online.

Get involved

The Neighborhood couldn’t function without the efforts of members who give their time as well. Start by attending the member meetings and consider getting involved in the Neighborhood Association. Join a committee to help plan events, help get the word out, evaluate land use requests, and more.

Explore ways to get involved