Land Use Committee

The Neighborhood Land Use Committee ensures the voice of the neighborhood is part of conversations related to construction activity in and around Holy Cross.

Land Use oversees any petitions related to properties located within the neighborhood boundaries. The committee also coordinates the neighborhood's relationship with all of the City's land use and urban planning functions and maintains a relevant and strong neighborhood plan that's updated with the City of Indianapolis.

Land Use Committee duties:

  • Responses to zoning variances from city code/standards
  • Planning
  • Plat changes
  • Requests to vacate public rights of way
  • Maintains relationships with:
    • Metropolitan Development Commission (MDC)
    • Renew Indianapolis
    • Rebuild Indy
    • Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership (INHP)
    • Near East Area Renewal (NEAR)
    • Indiana Department of Transportation (INDOT)
    • Department of Public Works (DPW)
    • Historic Preservation Commission
    • NESCO Land Use Committee
    • Alcohol and Tobacco Commission (liquor licenses)

Land Use Committee FAQ

When does the committee meet?

The committee meets as-needed throughout the year. If you have something to present to the committee, begin by contacting them via email.

When does the committee meet?

The committee meets as-needed throughout the year. If you have something to present to the committee, begin by contacting them via email.

Can I attend? How can I get involved?

Land Use committee meetings are not open to the public due to the discussion of non-public information. But, they do report on the conversations and outcomes of meetings at the regular Neighborhood Member Meetings—which are open to everyone.

I'm a neighborhood resident and received a "Legal Notice of Public Hearing" from the city. What do I do?

If you received such a notice, it may be because you live close to a property that is the subject of a petition to the city.

If you have questions about the Neighborhood's official position on the petition—or wish to voice opinions to the Land Use committee, begin by contacting them via email. Please be aware that the Land Use committee often takes numerous factors into consideration when making a determination about whether to support, stay neutral, or oppose a particular project or request.

Please note the following:

  • While the Land Use Committee can support, oppose, or remain neutral on a petition, it does not approve or reject such requests. That authority rests with the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals.
  • The meetings of the Metropolitan Board of Zoning Appeals are always open to the public

Contact Land Use

Have questions for the committee? Contact them via email at: [email protected].

Receive a notice?

A sample screen shot of a Legal Notice of Public Hearing form letter from the city

If you have received a notice (similar to this) from the City, it may be because you live close to a property that is the subject of a petition to the city. For more information, see the FAQ on this page.